Volunteers make a difference by picking up a hammer and helping to change lives. The energy and compassion they bring is invaluable. They often get as much or more from the experience than the families. The partnerships provide a spark for community improvement.
Get Involved: volunteer@habitatwwc.org!
Now more than ever, Habitat for Humanity’s work is critical. For many families, those who were already struggling with a need for decent and affordable housing, their daily lives have only become more challenging. For others, those who find themselves affected by the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the future is newly uncertain.
These are the families who now more than ever need the hand up that we can provide. Even in these times — especially in these times — we continue to work tirelessly toward our vision of a world where everyone has a decent place to live.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused us to limit in-person volunteers to skilled volunteers who work with the affiliate on a consistent basis. Habitat for Humanity’s recommendations have always been designed to protect the health and safety of every individual involved. We are committed to following the safety and social distancing guidelines recommended by the CDC and local government.
#WomenBuild Week begins on March 8th, sponsored by Lowe's. This weeklong event highlights the global need for women's access to safe and affordable housing. #BuildHer
Habitat for Humanity offers faith groups a powerful way to put their faith into action, and many faith partners support Habitat through their generous donations, prayers — and volunteers.
The tangible experiences that Habitat provides allow you to engage those around you & live your faith and love.
Congratulations Gail & Patrick Jones.
To apply for a house contact familyselection@habitatwwc.org
To donate, contact donation@habitatwwc.org
To volunteer, contact volunteer@habitatwwc.org
In honor of the memory of Honorably DIscharged Marine Veteran, William Childers
2018 tribute to our Donors, Sponsors & Volunteers! We sincerely appreciate you. YOU'RE THE REAL MVP's. (Adjust speakers music begin at 1:18)
To donate, contact donation@habitatwwc.org
To volunteer, contact volunteer@habitatwwc.org
Copyright © 2025 Habitat for Humanity Western Wayne County - All Rights Reserved.